The foods of Brazil are
varied and full flavored based on culinary influences from the European, West
African, Portuguese and American settlers. As it’s the largest land mass in
South Am…
most people consider lasagna to be a gorgeously layered meat, cheese and red
sauce affair some might find it interesting that lasagna is also the “noodle”
or wide, flat-s…
Let's take a moment to think of
the cooks and chefs in our lives. Think about all the meals they have made for
you, all the dinners you haven't had to cook, simply because they are…
This is the perfect time of
year to have a party. The warm weather allows you to take advantage of the
outdoors instead of cramming everyone inside, you can take advantage of the
No one seems to know who we
need to thank or when Ice cream was invented but the culinary eggheads seem to
be able to trace this frosty food back as far as the fourth century B.C.,…
There's no other fish quite
like swordfish, nutrient dense with a rich, meaty texture it’s almost steak
like. Even the most devout fish haters seem to enjoy this denizen of the dee…
It was John T Edge the
noted food writer and director of the Southern Foodways Alliance who wrote,
“The presence of a bone in a piece of fried chicken is functionally and
According to the culinary
eggheads, it’s unclear who first added mayonnaise to the modern potato salad.
Whoever that brave soul was, I would personally like to thank them. Even though I…
It was
called “Shake-a-pudding” and any self-respecting TV watching child of the 60’s
and 70’s would be aware that this delicious dessert was the pinnacle of our
culinary technology at t…
So what is white, bulbous with green stems and has frilly
dill-like fronds? Fennel baby! As it looks just a tad bizarre there are many
people that aren’t that familiar with it.
Léon-Paul Fargue, the late French poet and essayist said
eating a raw oyster was like, “like kissing the sea on the lips”. That thoroughly evocative observation
pinpoints my thoug…
First there was the doughnut, then the donut and finally
one deep-fried crispy confection to rule them all, the SpudNut!The history and love affair that our country has had with