Rendered Goose Fat

Rendered Goose Fat

Rendered Goose Fat

PREP TIME: 5 minutes | COOK TIME: 2 hours | YIELD: +/- Two Pounds

Goose Fat


2.5 pounds Fat and excess skin from one 10 to 12 pound young goose, gently frozen


Fill and preheat your sous vide container or stock pot with water (according specifications) to 185°F using your VacMaster SV1

Run the gently frozen fat and skin through a meat grinder or gently pulsed in a food processor - alternatively hand dice.

Goose Fat Sous Vide

Goose Fat Sous Vide

Using a suction or chamber machine vacuum pack the ground fat in 2 bags.

Submerge bags in the preheated SV1 for 1.5 to 2 hours.

Goose Fat Sealed by VacMaster

Goose Fat in SV1 Sous Vide

Remove the bags and carefully strain the rendered goose fat through a fine mesh strainer into a large glass bowl discarding any residual bits.

Goose fat sous vide

Goose Fat Sous Vide

Goose Fat Sous Vide

Goose Fat VacMaster Sealed

Let the goose fat cool to room temperature portion and vacuum pack. Refrigerate and use as needed.