Culinarian's Day

Let's take a moment to think of
the cooks and chefs in our lives. Think about all the meals they have made for
you, all the dinners you haven't had to cook, simply because they are a part of your life.
Think about the days that their Eggs Benedict filled you up instead of a
granola bar, or the fresh Mac and Cheese you get to coat your tummy with
instead of the boxed stuff. Culinarian's Day, July 25th, is the perfect day to thank them for all of this. Food plays such an integral role in our lives; it is amazing the boost that a well prepared meal can bring to our day. Food can make a strong impression and set the tone for an event. Imagine a dinner party where cereal and milk is served versus one where hors d'oeuvres, soup, salad, entrees and desserts are served. The food plays as big a role in the event as the setting and the dress code. |
Sometimes we non-culinary folks (such as me) forget about all of the planning that goes into this food. We just enjoy eating it. We're lucky to have cooks and chefs in our lives, making sure we experience how wonderful food can really be. As a VacMaster guest blogger, and member of the VacMaster team, it only feels right to extend a special thank you to our very own Chef Eric Villegas. Thank you Eric, where would we be without your wildly creative take on sous vide cooking? You continue to wow me week in and week out with the ideas you come up with. Check out Chef Eric's work here. |