Trying To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle? VacMaster Is Partnering With Cheryl Forberg To Help.

Congratulations to John Eng for winning the VacMaster DUO550 giveaway!
January is always the time of year when it seems we are all trying to live a little healthier. For some of us it's due to New Year's resolution, for some it's preparation for an impending beach vacation on the horizon, along with a slew of other reasons. Whatever your reason for seeking a healthier lifestyle, the first step on this journey is often the hardest! Using a vacuum sealer to prep and portion your meals, or sous vide cooking is one simple step you can take towards a healthier life.
VacMaster is striving for a healthier 2016 as well, this is why we have partnered with Cheryl Forberg (chef and nutritionist for NBC's The Biggest Loser) and the American Pistachio Growers to help us out. Cheryl is doing 7 weeks of live chats on her Facebook, doing a giveaway each week.
Each week the chat will take place on Cheryl's Facebook on Tuesday at 8pm - 9pm EST, and will be the opportunity to ask Cheryl about weight loss, living a healthy lifestyle, and The Biggest Loser. We are honored to provide the prize for this week on January 19th. One luck participant will win a DUO550 Suction and Chamber Vacuum Sealer in One.
Be sure to join in Tuesday, January 19th at 8pm EST for your chance to win a DUO550 vacuum sealer, as well as some great healthy living advice from Cheryl and The American Pistachio Growers!