Summertime Road Trips

Summertime is officially here! Although if where you live is anywhere like our hometown of Kansas City, you've been feeling like summer set up camp a few weeks ago. There is something special about this time of year, even when you grow up, join the "real world" and no longer get "summer break". This time of year is perfect for a vacation, even if it is just a weekend road trip to the lake or your favorite hiking/camping spot. Whether you're getting together a group of friends for your drive, or packing up the family for a quick getaway, there is a good chance you've got a road trip planned at one point or another this summer. VacMaster has a few tips to make packing easier, and help your drive go just a little bit smoother. 1. Bring games/activities You're going to need something to pass the time in the car. If you don't want to hear your kids or adult passengers asking "are we there yet" repeatedly, bring something to do. Pack up a game or puzzle for the drive to keep those not driving busy, vacuum seal the pieces to keep them together until you need them. 2. Pack snacks Reduce the number of stops you need to make by packing a light lunch or some snacks to eat in the car. The last thing you want to do is delay your arrival due to unnecessary stops, I like to stop only for gas and potty breaks. Granted traveling with my kids and wife, the potty breaks are hard to plan for, and happen frequently. Pack a few sandwiches and your kids' favorite nibbles to eat as needed throughout the drive. 3. Dry clothes If you are going camping, hiking, boating, or any other activity near water, vacuum seal a set of dry clothes for everyone. Not much feels worse than reaching for your dry clothes to find them all wet, a vacuum seal will prevent this from happening to you. Happy travels, drive safe! |