How to use your Vacuum sealer and more, the Help Center answers your questions.

We know that all of the options and capability of VacMaster® products can leave boggle the mind, and we want to make to answer all of your questions! We have been working on buffing up our Help Center to give you all the information you want. Not sure which category you need simply try a keyword search in the search bar at the top. If you can't find what you are looking for there we encourage you to reach out to us via chat or email with your questions, there are no silly questions. We make sure to add new questions and answers as we get them! Our categories range including:
• Vacuum Packaging 101
• Product Support
• Order Support
• User Manuals
• Testimonials
• Distributors
Vacuum Packaging 101
Whether you currently own a VacMaster® or not this is your starting off point for general inquiries. We understand that your questions may be broad research questions about vacuum packaging in general while you are still shopping around, or on the fence about purchasing a vacuum sealer. There are so many options! We put all the information you may need right at your finger tips.
Product Support
This is where you are going to come when you have questions about a product that you already own. Here we cover the following categories:
• How To's
• Sous Vide Calculator
• Bags Rolls & Pouches
• Chamber Vacuum Sealers
• General
• Suction Vacuum Sealers
Order Support
So you are ordering or just ordered your VacMaster® product, and you are having trouble or have a question- this is the best stop for you. Here you'll learn:
• General (order acceptance and privacy policies)
• Payment Methods
• Shipping Policy
• Order Procesing
User Manuals
If you have lost your user manual (let's be honest, we've all done it) we've got them all right here.
We want to hear about your experience! Love using your machine? Had a helpful chat with tech support, or a customer service representative? Tell us all about it here.
If your question isn't answered here, just ask us!